FYBCOM SEM I Fill in the blanks

Q.1 A) Fill in blanks/ Choose the correct answer                      10 marks
Module No. I & II
1)    Opportunity cost is also called as ------ cost
a) Total          b) Average            c) Marginal        d) Alternative

2)    Incremental principal state that, a investment decision is profitable if
a) revenue increase more than cost            b) cost reduce more than revenue                                    C) Both (a) and (b)                                    d)none of these

3)    Marginal is denoted by a small unit change and it is expressed by the symbol ……
a) Δ          b) Ω           c) ∑      d)

4)    The ratio of change in total revenue to a unit change in output sold is ------
a) Marginal revenue             b) Marginal cost                c) Average revenue 
d) Average Cost

5)    ----- shows the relationship between dependant and independent variables
a) Functional relation            b) Equilibrium price             c) Both (a) & (b)    d) None of these

6)    ------ refers to a statement of equality of two expressions or two economic variables.
a) Equation            b) Slope            c) Function      d) Opportunity cost

7)    ----- is a diagram showing how two or more sets of data or variables are related to one another
a) Graph          b) Equation            c) Slope        d) Curve

8)    Market demand curve slopes ---- from left to right
a) upward          b) downward              c) horizontal      d) vertical

9)    ------ is the sum of total demand for a commodity by all buyers in the market
a) Market demand  b) Market Supply    c) demand    d) supply

10)                       The relationship between demand and price is
a) Positive               b) Inverse                    c) Direct         d) indefinite

11)                       Which of the following is the example of substitute goods?
a) Tea & Coffee             b) Pen & Ink             c) Car & Petrol

12)                       --- refers to the total quantities of commodity offered for sale by all in producers
a) Market supply    b) Market demand   c) equilibrium price  d) increase

13)                       The point at which the quantity demanded equals supplied is the ---
a) total supply    b) total demand      c) equilibrium point   d) None of these

14)                       A case of increase in supply, demand remaining the same, the equilibrium price ----
a) rises         b) falls                c) constant          d) none of the same

15)                       A case of decrease in supply, demand remaining the same, the equilibrium price ----
a) rises         b) falls                c) constant          d) None of the same

16)                       A case of increase in demand, supply remaining the same, the equilibrium price ----
a) rises         b) falls                c) constant          d) None of the same

17)                       Other things remaining constant, if price falls, quantity demanded will rise is ----- of demand
a) extension           b) contraction            c) decrease        d) none of the above

18)                       Other things remaining constant, if price rise, quantity demanded will fall is ----- of demand
a) extension           b) contraction            c) decrease        d) none of the above

19)                       A case of a decrease in demand, supply remaining the same, the equilibrium price ----
a) rises         b) falls                c) constant          d) None of the same

20)                       Market --- is derived by adding up all the individual demand
a) demand    b) supply         c) Wages     d) Price

21)                       Which of the following shows the relationship between the price of a good and the amount of the good that consumers want at that price?
a) demand  curve  b) supply curve   c) Supply schedule   d) production

22)                       Market clearing price is also called the -----
a) current price                b) prevailing price               c) equilibrium price  d) none of the above

23)                       ----- is the price of a commodity at which the demand for the commodity is equal to its supply
a) Opportunity Price  b) equilibrium price  c) demand price d) supply price

24)                       ---- states that other factors being constant, price and quantity demanded of any commodity are inversely related to each other. When the price of a commodity rises, the demand falls and vice versa.
a) Law of supply     b) Law of utility    c) Law of demand     d) all the above

25)                       Which of the following is not a determinant of demand?
a) Price    b) Income     c) Fashion   d) Production

26)                       Qdx = f (Px) is -------
a) demand function   b) Supply function     c) Consumption function   d) all                   the above

27)                       Qdx = a - bPx is -------
a) demand function   b) Supply function     c) Consumption function   d) all                   the above
28)                       Qsx = f (Px) is -------
a) demand function   b) Supply function     c) Consumption function   d) all                     the above
29)                       Qsx = a + bPx is -------
a) demand function   b) Supply function     c) Consumption function   d) all                     the above
30)                       Nature of demand curve in perfect competition
a) downward     b) upward      c) vertical       d) horizontal

31)                       Nature of the demand curve in Monopoly is 
a) downward (steeper)     b) upward      c) vertical       d) horizontal
32)                       Nature of demand curve in monopolistic competition
a) horizontal       b) upward      c) vertical       d) downward (flatter)     
33)                       Nature of demand curve in oligopoly
a) downward     b) upward      c) kinky       d) horizontal
34)                       Suppose the demand function for a commodity is Q = 20 – 3P when the price is 6 , the demand is ---
a) 5          b) 10          c) 2          d) 23

35)                       Price elasticity of demand 
a) measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded of a commodity to       a change in its price
 b) measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded of a commodity to a                          change in income
c) measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded of a commodity to a                           change in advertisement expenditure
d) all of the above

36)                       Income elasticity of demand 
a) measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded of a commodity to a                           change in its price
 b) measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded of a commodity                             to a change in income
c) measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded of a commodity to a                           change in advertisement expenditure
d) all of the above

37)                       Promotional elasticity of demand 
a) measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded of a commodity to a                           change in its price
 b) measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded of a commodity to a                          change in income
c) measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded of a commodity to                a change in advertisement expenditure
d) all of the above

38          Price elasticity of demand 
                    a)                                     % change in quantity demanded

                                                       % change in the price of the commodity

                    b)                                 % change in quantity demanded

                                                              % change in the Income
                   c)                                    % change in quantity demanded

                                                       % change in the Promotional expenditure
39             Income elasticity of demand
                   a)                                     % change in quantity demanded

                                                       % change in the price of the commodity

                    b)                                 % change in quantity demanded

                                                              % change in the Income

                   c)                                    % change in quantity demanded

                                                       % change in the Promotional expenditure
40              Promotional elasticity of demand  
                    a)                                     % change in quantity demanded

                                                       % change in the price of the commodity
                    b)                                 % change in quantity demanded

                                                              % change in the Incom
                   c)                                    % change in quantity demanded

                                                       % change in the Promotional expenditure

41)                       In case of Perfectly inelastic demand, demand curve is
a) vertical line  b) rectangular hyperbola  c) horizontal  d) none of the above

42)                       In case of Perfectly elastic demand, demand curve is
a) vertical line  b) rectangular hyperbola  c) horizontal  d) none of the above

43)                       In case of unitary elastic demand, demand curve is
a) vertical line  b) rectangular hyperbola  c) horizontal  d) none of the above

44)                       Which of the following is not correct in case of cross elasticity
a) substitute goods – positive   b) complement goods – negative  c) unrelated goods – zero      d) substitute goods – negative

45)                       Point Elasticity of Demand measures elasticity of demand --------- on the demand curve
a) at a point  b) between two points  c) below the point  d) none of the above

46)                       Arc Elasticity of Demand measures elasticity of demand --------- on the demand curve
a) at a point  b) between two points  c) below the point  d) none of the above
47)                       The ratio of lower segment of demand curve below the point divided by upper segment of the demand curve above the point
a) Point elasticity  b) Arc elasticity  c) geometric elasticity  d) none of the above

48)                       The value of the income elasticity of demand for inferior goods is …..
a) Positive       b) Negative         c) Zero     d) All the above

49)                       The value of the income elasticity of demand for necessary goods is …..
a) Positive and E < 1            b) Positive and E = 1           c) Positive and E > 1                              d) Negative

50)                       The value of the income elasticity of demand for Comfort goods is …..
a) Positive and E < 1            b) Positive and E = 1           c) Positive and E > 1                              d) Negative

51)                       The value of the income elasticity of demand for luxuries goods is …..
a) Positive and E < 1            b) Positive and E = 1           c) Positive and E > 1                              d) Negative

52)                       When demand is elastic, price and total revenue move in ---- directions
a) opposite      b) same           c) unchanged         d) none of the above

53)                       When demand is inelastic, price and total revenue move in ---- directions
a) opposite      b) same           c) unchanged         d) none of the above

54)                       When demand is unitary elastic, total revenue remains  ----
a) opposite      b) same           c) unchanged        d) none of the above

55)                       … is an estimation of demand for the product for a future period
a) Demand Forecast     b) Supply Forecast    c) both a & b   ) none of the above

56)                       Which of the following methods are often used to make short-term forecasts when quantitative data are not available
a) Consumer Survey b) regression method   c) Trend Method
d) Moving average

57)                       Which of the following is not a feature of the sample survey method
a) Errors may occur in large size sample      b) Possibility of consumer bias           c) All potential consumers are included in the survey
d) none of the above

58)                       Which of the following methods make use of historical data and demand determinants to forecast demand?
a) Market experiments      b) Consumer survey    c) end- use           d) statistical

59)                       Which of the following methods is used to bridge the opinions given by different experts?
a) Experts’ Opinion  b) Trend Analysis   c) Delphi   d) Sample survey

60)                       The ---- method uses time-series data
a) trend      b) end -use           c) sample survey             d) delphi

(Reference: Manan Prakashn and Seth Publication. FYBCOM Sem I, B. Economics I )


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